
MyOwnDream, MyOwnPassion, MyOwnJazz.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Fate and Equilibrium

Everything in this world is predetermined. Everything is predictable. But yet, since human intelligence is limited, we cannot make sure of what is going to happen the next day or next week. We can only assume.

Life is all about equilibrium. Action is equal to reaction. With this rule everything is predictable. Computers have inputs and outputs. We can predict the outputs of the computer program when we know all the inputs. It's the same with human being. We can predict what will John do today if we know what is the input he has got all over his life: how he was raised, what food he ate, what newspaper he read, people he talk to, the weather, the car accident, the heart break. Some of these inputs may become habits. Habit is one of the outputs. Habit can later become input and personality is the output.

To control the output, a personality or a person-of-who-we-become, we can control the input. There are some variables that already given to us as human living on this planet. One of them: we are living on a 24-hour day. This is a fixed variable, called time. Everyone is given this same fixed variable. However, the magnitude from using this variable is magnificently different from person to person. One second could mean a new world record for runners, one minute could mean life and death for doctors in operating room, while three hours could mean nothing for couch potatoes.

I believe that it is true that life is predetermined. Some people call it fate. However fate is not like a single dimension line that predetermined and fixed. I believe fate is multidimensional lines that has branches. Which branch we chose depends on ourselves. We have the ability to choose (i.e. choosing the inputs). Each branch has its own consequences. It’s all laid out (fixed) for us. The trick is finding out which branch can give the best consequences. Not just short-term consequences, but long-term.

Some branch may offer a better outcome but it’s not going to be optimum in the long term. Mathematicians call it local optimum. Our goal in life is finding the global optimum (the ultimate output). It is not easy. But that is the beauty of it. We sometime have to go down hill to get to the highest peak. We sometime have to go backward to go up front. We sometime have to get hurt to be happy. That’s life. It is predetermined. It’s always in equilibrium.

There’s an old saying: you always have to pay the price (hard work) to own something (happiness).


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